'Liger' recently completed its shoot in Mumbai. The Vijay Deverakonda-Puri Jagannadh movie, which is a pan-India release, will head to theatres on August 25. The buzz is that the producers of the ...Continue reading
Charmi-Jagapathi Babu starrer ‘Nagaram Nidra Potunna Vela’ has its audio launching event recently. This movie which is directed by Prem Raj and produced by Nandi Srihari under Gurudev Creations (P...Continue reading
The crime branch of Hyderabad police arrested a producer today for being allegedly cheating the public with an amount of Rs 90 crores. He is producer Nandi Srihari, who recently produced the film ‘...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda and Puri Jagannadh have hosted a tasty lunch for Mike Tyson, who is playing a prominent role in 'Liger'. The US schedule of the martial arts movie is on currently. When they are o...Continue reading
Charmee was questioned by the SIT officials today. They interrogated her for around six hours. Charmee appeared at the Excise office in Nampally at 10.30am and left at 5pm. If sources are to be bel...Continue reading
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