Ram Charan, Kajal Agarwal and Amala Paul starrer ‘Naayak’ is presently at brisk progress. Shooting of the last song was just completed. The VV Vinayak’s directorial venture with music by S Thaman...Continue reading
Charmee has been in a relationship that has gone wrong. The actress says that she does not want ever to get married. She is independent and is loving every bit of it. Why get a stranger in to it an...Continue reading
'Maar Muntha Chod Chinta' is the title of the latest song from 'Double iSmart'. Now, this one is similar to 'Dimaak Kharaab' from 'iSmart Shankar' in a lot of ways. The side dancers crowding the am...Continue reading
The crime branch of Hyderabad police arrested a producer today for being allegedly cheating the public with an amount of Rs 90 crores. He is producer Nandi Srihari, who recently produced the film ‘...Continue reading
'LIGER', the pan-India flick, has wrapped up its US schedule. Mike Tyson has shot for his portions and is done for. Vijay Deverakonda, Ananya Panday and Vishu Reddy were conspicuous by their presen...Continue reading
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