Allari Naresh, Sharwanad and Shirya starrer ‘Nuvva Nena’ is a comedy entertainer directed by a debut director Narayana. Vamsikrishna Srinivas is producing this film on SVK Cinema banner. In a pres...Continue reading
Kondapalli Movie Makers' K Lakshminarayana presents ’Love To Love’ which was directed by Manikantan under the banner of Mana Desam. Arya, Shriya Saran and Preethika Rao are playing the lead ro...Continue reading
The anthology film 'Gamanam', starring Shriya Saran, Priyanka Jawalkar and others, was directed by Sujana Rao and produced by cinematographer Gnana Shekar VS. It was released last year. The news i...Continue reading
Shriya Saran is back where she belongs. The actress who got married recently to her Russian Boyfriend in back. Shriya was to pair with Venkatesh in director Teja's film. But this film will no more...Continue reading
'Appatlo Okadundevadu' which was released in the end of 2016 has left audience and critics in tears. Nara Rohit and Sree Vishnu have acted together in that film. The duo, who always entertains aud...Continue reading
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