We all know that king Nagarjuna will be sharing the screen space with Tamil actor Karthi in an upcoming bi-lingual film. The yet to be titled film will have only one heroine and the hunt for the su...Continue reading
KGF is an upcoming multilingual period film, which is being made on a lavish budget. Kaikala Satyanarayana is presenting the film. Yash, who has given blockbuster hits like ‘Ramachari’,...Continue reading
A source in the film industry reveals about when we can expect the release of Part-I of Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘Baahubali. Months ago, Rajamouli confirmed that ‘Baahubali’ was aiming for a releas...Continue reading
After ‘Oosaravelli’, the NTR-Tamannaah pair is likely to repeat once again. Yes, while Tamannaah recently sign her second Bollywood movie ‘Heropanti’, the latest we hear is that the actress is bei...Continue reading
Despite the producers’ efforts to cast Tamannah opposite Mahesh Babu in ‘Aagadu’, buzz is that the actress opted out claiming unavailability of dates for the film which came as a surprise to the pr...Continue reading
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