'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film will hit the cinemas on...Continue reading
Agent Sai Srinivas Athreya fame,Director Swaroop RSJ's Mishan Impossible is all set for a release on April 1. It's USA Premieres on March 31st. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. Overseas re...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Muni-3’ began in Chennai. This Lawrence-Taapsee starrer horror movie on comedy backdrop is being directed by Lawrence himself, who also became successful as producer by producing his ...Continue reading
'Dunki' is going to be released in theatres on December 21. Going by a Censor report, this is Rajkumar Hirani trying to step out of his conventional zone and trying a few "uspetting images" and sex...Continue reading
Here is a dance still of Venkates and Taapsee from the movie ‘Shadow’ being directed by Mehar Ramesh. With soundtrack from Thaman, the audio is expected to be launched in early March. This pic ...Continue reading
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