Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
Commando 2 is the sequel to commando . this will be Produced by Vipul shah, Phantom pictures and Reliance after the super success of Kshanam, Adah will be seen next as the leading lady in this...Continue reading
It's known that 'Kshanam' actress Adah Sharma is doing a film titled 'Question Mark'. A thriller directed by Vipra, the film is being produced by Gouri Krishna. Having completed its product...Continue reading
Maa TV who has launched dance show Nach Baliye in Telugu has approached the actress to be one of the judges on the show. "Adah who is known to be very selective with her films has a huge fan follow...Continue reading
South India’s leading motion picture company, PVP Cinema has now forayed into the realm of making realistic concept cinema. Widely known for their successful big budget ventures, PVP in association...Continue reading
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