Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’, is being brought to the Telugu audience as ‘Project Z’ by SK Kareemunnis...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati is a Brahmin. The Lok Sabha Speaker spoke in favour of Brahmins. He was speaking in an outreach programme and he linked Brahmin status in the Hindu society to a mythological event r...Continue reading
In a recent pre release event of Srirastu Shubhamasthu, Chiranjeevi garu who was the chief guest and had already seen the film said that it would be huge hit with the families. As he had predicted,...Continue reading
Noted for playing performance-oriented roles film after film, Lavanya Tripathi is no stranger to glamour either. If in 'Andala Rakshasi', 'Bhale Bhale Mogadivoy' and 'Soggade Chinni Nayana', she w...Continue reading
A family entertainer ‘Bale Bale Magadivoy’ starring Nani and Lavanya Tripathi as the lead, has completed the shooting of two songs and at present the film unit is busy with filming another song at ...Continue reading
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