After ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’, NTR is currently doing the film under Santosh Srinivas’ direction. Title ‘Joru’ is being considered for this film. Samantha and Praneetha are the leading ladies. Sho...Continue reading
Tollywood Dynamic hero Manchu Vishnu has created a special image for himself as a hero and as a producer by acting and producing different films. Now he is acting and producing an action entertaine...Continue reading
When we hear the name ‘Shakuni’ the first thing that gets into our mind is the game of dice. The hero of the film ‘Shakuni’ is one such character who has Shakuni’s characteristics. While Shakuni ...Continue reading
Yes, you read that headline correctly. For his upcoming movie, Pawan Kalyan is, in fact, planning for a title that has Telugu flavour in it. That means unlike titles of his earlier films like ‘J...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram-BVSN Prasad’s ‘Attarintiki Daaredhi’ gets a new release date. Yes, the film which was initially supposed to release on August 7th got postponed to 21st and now the latest we...Continue reading
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