Payal Rajput, who made her Telugu debut with 'RX 100' in 2018, was recently seen in 'Mangalavaaram'. Despite portraying an unconventional role in the film, she hasn't received the recognition she d...Continue reading
After the intriguing 'RX 100' and the focused 'Maha Samudram', super-talented director Ajay Bhupathi is all set to make us awestruck with 'Mangalavaaram'. Swathi Reddy Gunupati and Suresh Varma of ...Continue reading
A few weeks ago, actor Aadi SaiKumar and 'RX 100' star Payal Rajput teamed up for a movie titled 'Kirathaka'. Directed by M Veerabhadram, the film is a crime thriller. On Thursday, Vision Cinemaas...Continue reading
‘RX 100’ which hit the screens as a small film is creating sensation at the box office. The film starring Payal Rajput and Karthikeya under the direction of Ajay Bhupathi became a block...Continue reading
Payal Rajput, who shot to fame with her maiden Telugu venture 'RX 100' in 2018, has been making all the wrong choices. 'Mangalavaaram', which hit the cinemas in 2023, is her lone reasonable choice ...Continue reading
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