'Panchathantram', starring Brahmanandam, Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar, Samuthirakani, Rahul Vijay and Naresh Agasthya, is gearing up for a theatrical release soon. Directed by Harsha Pulipa...Continue reading
The teaser for 'Panchathantram', starring Brahmanandam, Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar, Samuthirakani, Rahul Vijay and Naresh Agasthya was released today. The makers are planning to release t...Continue reading
Kollywood actor Ashok Selvan and Ritu Varma's 'Aakasam' is hitting the cinemas on November 4. Directed by newcomer R Karthik, the film also features Aparna Balamurali of 'Aakasam Nee Haddhu Raa' fa...Continue reading
'Panchathantram', which is headlined by a bunch of actors ranging from Brahmanandam, Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar and Samuthirakani to Rahul Vijay, features Divya Drishti and Vikas as a mar...Continue reading
The First Look of Naresh Agastya from 'Panchathantram' is out. The film features the 'Mathu Vadalara' actor in the role of a corporate employee whose worklife balance goes for a toss. The makers a...Continue reading
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