'WWW', starring Arun Adith and Shivani Rajashekar, is directed by KV Guhan. Recently, a melody titled 'Kannulu Chedire', sung by Yazin Nizar, was unveiled. Written by Anantha Sriram, the song has b...Continue reading
'Aha Naa Pellanta', a title with a special ring for the Telugu audience, is back in vogue. Starring Raj Tarun as a jilted groom and Shivani Rajasekhar as his heroine, it is being bankrolled by the ...Continue reading
"A haunting tale from the rustic lands of Srikakulam (sic)," wrote the makers of 'Kota Bommali PS', unveiling its teaser. The film, directed by Teja Marni, is produced by GA2 Pictures. It will hit ...Continue reading
Starring Adith Arun of 'PSV Garuda Vega' fame and Shivani Rajashekar (the daughter of Rajasekhar-Jeevitha duo), 'WWW' is a thriller directed by KV Guhan. The news is that a melodious song titled 'N...Continue reading
'WWW', starring Arun Adith and Shivani Rajashekar, is directed by KV Guhan. After releasing the catchy rap video song 'Who.. Where.. Why', a melody from the movie was unveiled today. Rendere...Continue reading
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