Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Debutant director Vassishta's time-travel fantasy film Bimbisara, is all set for a release on August 5, it's USA Premieres on August 4th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters L...Continue reading
'SIR' is scheduled to head to the theatres on February 17. A day before, that is, on the 16th, a paid premiere is set to be held in Hyderabad's Prasad Multiplex at 8:15 pm. "Be the first to witnes...Continue reading
It is known that Nikhil Siddhartha is doing a pan-India period action drama film titled 'Swayambhu' (directed by Bharat Krishnamachari). The film will be launched later this week by presenter Tagor...Continue reading
'Virupaksha' is a clean box-office hit. It is the dominant player at the Telugu box office despite the release of two new movies just last Friday. At the film's 'Thank You' meet-up today, the maker...Continue reading
The trailer for Sai Dharam Tej's 'Virupaksha' was unveiled in multiple languages on Tuesday ahead of the film's April 21st release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. Producers BVSN Pr...Continue reading
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