Kiran Abbavaram's latest thriller, KA, has taken the box office by storm, emerging as the Diwali dark horse. The film has garnered praise for its unique storyline and nuanced performances. Th...Continue reading
'AAY', a box-office hit released in August, is produced by GA2 Pictures and presented by Allu Aravind. Starring Narne Nithiin, Rajkumar Kasireddy, Nayan Sarika and Ankith Koyya, the film is arrivin...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's 'KA', also starring Thanvi Ram and Nayan Sarika as the female leads, has successfully completed its shoot. The Sujith-Sandeep duo, who are helming the thriller, chose "beautiful ...Continue reading
'AAY' will open in theatres with premiers from the evening of August 15. On Tuesday, its pre-release event was held at a star hotel in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, chief guest Nikhil Siddh...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram is in a happy space after the release of 'KA'. His confidence in his film's content is paying off superbly. Speaking at the first post-release media briefing on the film's release ...Continue reading
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