"Get ready to be immersed in a world of raw emotions (sic)," wrote Vishwak Sen, sharing the film's first glimpse of his upcoming release, 'Gangs Of Godavari'. Written and helmed by Krishna Chaitany...Continue reading
'Bedurulanka 2012', starring Kartikeya Gumamkonda in the lead, was released in theatres on August 25. Directed by Clax and starring 'DJ Tillu' fame Neha Shetty as the heroine, the dramedy is produc...Continue reading
It is obvious that Kiran Abbavaram's 'Rules Ranjann' has been made with pure entertainment as its motive. Director Rathinam Krishna, after the heavy 'Oxygen', consciously made an effort to carve a ...Continue reading
Neha Shetty of 'DJ Tillu' fame doesn't give a damn about what the media and social media say about her. In her most recent interview, the 'Rules Ranjann' actress stated that she doesn't know whethe...Continue reading
'Gangs of Godavari' will hit the cinemas on May 31. The action drama features Vishwak Sen as a gangster named Lankala Ratna. Contrary to what has been presumed about the movie's story, it is not a ...Continue reading
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