On Wednesday, Samantha Akkineni celebrated her 34th birthday in a low-key manner. Given the sober situation in the country, the star actress kept it to a bare minimum. And, like a true fan, Charan...Continue reading
Trivikram has weaved a celluloid magic once again. His film A Aa is creating ripples everywhere. Specifically in the US this film is captivating the audiences. His earlier films have also worked we...Continue reading
In 'Shaakuntalam', Samantha Ruth Prabhu plays a beautiful woman who is in for a roller-coaster ride. The film, produced by Neelima Guna, will head to the theatres on February 17. The news is that ...Continue reading
The release date of Gautham Menon’s upcoming romantic entertainer ‘Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu’ is confirmed as December 14th. This is simultaneously being made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. ...Continue reading
'Agni Nakshatram', starring Dr. Mohan Babu as the leading man, is expected to be released in theatres next month. A musical video prominently performed by Lakshmi Manchu, who will be seen as a cop ...Continue reading
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