Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
Nithin-Puri Jagannafh's upcoming film 'Heart Attack' completed the censor formality and ready for release on January 31. This Touring Talkies latest movie written, directed and produced by Puri Jag...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Heart Attack’ has been completed. This youthful romantic flick in the combination of Nithin and Puri Jagannadh is getting ready for release worldwide on January 31st. Audio released ...Continue reading
It's known that 'Kshanam' actress Adah Sharma is doing a film titled 'Question Mark'. A thriller directed by Vipra, the film is being produced by Gouri Krishna. Having completed its product...Continue reading
Censor formality related to the romantic entertainer ‘Sarasudu’ starring Simbhu, Nayantara, Andrea Jeremiah and Adah Sharma in the lead roles, has been completed and received clean &lsq...Continue reading
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