Title for Nag’s new socio-fantasy flick has changed from ‘Damarukam’ to ‘Dhamarukamm’. The movie is releasing worldwide tomorrow and the makers have released the new posters indicating the change ...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 is gearing up for a grand release on the 28th of April. The film was said to be having a runtime of three hours. Contradicting this, the team has submitted the film which has a runtime...Continue reading
Karthi-Anushka starrer ‘Bad Boy’ is set to open to theaters on January 25th. The film was earlier planned for Sankranti release. However due to big releases like ‘Naayak’, ‘Vishwaroopam’ and SVSC,...Continue reading
Manchu Vishnu starre 'Achari America Yatra' will be competing with Anushka Shetty starrer 'Bhaagamathie'. Both these films will release during the Republic Day on 26th January. Vishnu's film is a ...Continue reading
‘Singam 3’ will not have a formal music launch event and its audio will be released directly into the market on December 11. The film has music by Harris Jayaraj. Surya, who can g...Continue reading
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