NTR and Samantha just completed 1st day shooting for a duet number for their upcoming movie under Harish Shankar’s direction. NTR is known for his graceful dance moves, therefore Harish promises N...Continue reading
'Agni Nakshatram', starring Dr. Mohan Babu as the leading man, is expected to be released in theatres next month. A musical video prominently performed by Lakshmi Manchu, who will be seen as a cop ...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni has started shooting for 'Shaakuntalam' in Hyderabad. Gunasekhar and his production design team completed a set resembling a kingdom for weeks at a studio in Hyderabad. The curren...Continue reading
Noted director Trivikram, who's well known as 'Wizard of words', is going to make a movie under the banner of 'Haarika and Hassine Creations', and he titles the film as "A...Aa" , the film has a ta...Continue reading
Sam - Chai looked adorable in a picture posted on Instagram on Wednesday evening - and the picture took the internet by storm. Within an hour, the photo has notched up about 6.1 likes. Samantha is ...Continue reading
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