Srikanth-Charmi starrer ‘Sevakudu’ is all set to hit the screens in early February. Muthineni Satyanarayana is producing this movie and V Samudra is directing it under Sri Venkataramana Arts Produ...Continue reading
'Maar Muntha Chod Chinta' is the title of the latest song from 'Double iSmart'. Now, this one is similar to 'Dimaak Kharaab' from 'iSmart Shankar' in a lot of ways. The side dancers crowding the am...Continue reading
Charmme has no films in hand and this actress is planing to produce a film. Meanwhile on her Twitter handle the actress asked her fans about what sort of hairstyle she has to sport. Little did her ...Continue reading
'Double iSmart' is a massive disaster. On August 15, the 'word of mouth' was not horrible. Many believed that it wouldn't be as bad a disaster as 'Mr. Bachchan'. But the film is a historic flop of ...Continue reading
Attempting a prostitute role is not a bad idea according to director Chandu as many heroines have become successful by portraying that role. Right from Savitri in ‘Kanyasulkam’ to Anushka in ‘Veda...Continue reading
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