A movie with young and upcoming hero Sandeep Kishan as hero, is being planned under a new film production unit ‘Sri Keerthi Films’ banner. Kumar Nagendra, who earlier made a passionate movie ‘Gunde...Continue reading
Young and energetic hero Nara Rohith, who made his cinematic debut with the film ‘Banam’ and has created his own separate style with variety films like ‘Solo’, ‘Prathinidhi’ and ‘Rowdy Fellow’, is ...Continue reading
Young and energetic hero Nara Rohith and Priya Banerjee starrer ‘Asura’ has completed the censor process and is all set hit screens worldwide on June 5. On the eve of film’s release, Producers ...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan’s upcoming movie ‘Joru’ will have its grand audio launch on 4th of October. ‘Oohalu Gusagusalade’ fame Rashi Khanna is playing the female lead role in the film which also stars Priya...Continue reading
“Asura”, the most anticipated film in the career of Nara Rohith is releasing worldwide on 5th June. The publicity of the film kick started with its logo which resembles a bull with horns which beca...Continue reading
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