Nara Rohith and Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘Solo’ which was recently released is running in theaters with success talk. The film is directed by Parasuram and produced by Vamsikrishna Srinivas under SVK...Continue reading
Raja’s new film to be directed by M J Reddy was launched on Wednesday in Hyderabad. Chadulavada Srinivas Rao tapped the clap board and Sagar directed the first shot. N V Rao and Sunkara Ramchand...Continue reading
Nisha Aggarwal today confirmed that her elder sister, Kajal Aggarwal, has given birth to a baby boy. The birth took place this morning reportedly in Mumbai. So far, neither Kajal nor her husband Ga...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan’s ‘DK Bose’ is set to hit screens on this 27th. He is playing a cop in this film whose policy is eat money, drink money and smoke money. ‘DK Bose’ is a full-length comedy entertain...Continue reading
As mentioned yesterday, the first look poster of Sundeep Kishan’s ‘DK Bose’ was unveiled in twitter by tennis star Sania Mirza and actor Siddharth on their respective twitter accounts just a few ...Continue reading
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