Samantha Akkineni and Upasana Kamineni have collaborated for a project. The star actress and health entrepreneu have come together for a health and wellness portal named UR LIFE. Making the revela...Continue reading
As informed earlier NTR’s new film which is well known to the readers as ‘Joru/Rabhasa’ is set for March release. The latest news about the project is that the film will open in theaters worldwide...Continue reading
Noted director Trivikram, who's well known as 'Wizard of words', is going to make a movie under the banner of 'Haarika and Hassine Creations', which's a third movie for the director in the same ban...Continue reading
There is no doubt that Samantha is one of the fit actress in Tollywood. She is very careful about her work out schedule and what she puts in her mouth. Samantha never misses her work outs. Ram Cha...Continue reading
All that well planned promotions for the film A Aa is paying off well. There is a huge interest that has been stirred and the demand for the tickets of the film is unbelievable. Nithiin starr...Continue reading
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