'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film's trailer was released recently. In a statement,...Continue reading
Actress Poonam Kaur has been promoting handlooms in her own way. On Friday, she and Congress MP Shashi Tharoor participated in a meeting where it was demanded that GST on handloom products be lifte...Continue reading
R A Art Productions banner is going to make a film with five prominent heroines. Featuring Nikita, Poonam Kaur, Archana, Gauri Mumjal and Madhu Sharma in central roles, S Mohan Rao will direct the...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu’s latest movie ‘Aadu Magadura Bujji’ with Poonam Kaur and Asmita Sood as heroines is taking shape in the hands of a debut director Krishna Reddy Gangadasu. The first look poster was r...Continue reading
First and foremost, I would like to thank Prime Minister Modiji for having promoted handlooms to a great extent and motivated people like me who have been students of fashion. His vision towards at...Continue reading
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