Samantha, who is currently busy with multiple projects on hand, has reportedly signed NTR-Harish Shankar-Dil Raju’s film. Samantha is one among the two heroines who will be romancing NTR. The film ...Continue reading
Telugu film industry will always been in the forefront when it comes to donating. Gorgeous Samantha also joined in the list of celebrities from Tollywood who have contributed to the CM’s reli...Continue reading
At a time when there are rumours that Samantha Ruth Prabhu didn't want to bear a child and that's why she developed differences with Naga Chaitanya, Neelima Guna (the producer of 'Shaakunthalam' an...Continue reading
After tasting box-office success of ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’, producer BVSN Prasad decided to include few comedy scenes which have been initially removed to cut the length of the film. It’s underst...Continue reading
The teaser of Adivi Sesh’s Goodachari will be unveiled tomorrow i.e. on July 4. Reportedly, actress Samantha will be launching the teaser at 3:30 pm. Actor and writer Adivi Sesh took to his ...Continue reading
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