Sunil and Isha Chawla starrer ‘Poola Rangadu’ completed the censor formalities and is set for release worldwide on February 18th. Directed by ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ fame Veerabhadram, the film is prod...Continue reading
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Remember, a few months back there was news that the Bollywood blockbuster ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ would be remade in Telugu with Sunil as hero. Yes, the news is actually true and now it's time for the f...Continue reading
Mega Supergood Films Pvt Ltd., which delivered a super hit movie ‘Andala Ramudu’ with Sunil as hero is now producing ‘Mr Pellikoduku’ once again with him as hero. The film is in final leg of prepa...Continue reading
Sunil, Isha Chawla starrer ‘Poola Rangadu’ started its first schedule on August 18th and is briskly progressing. The film is being directed by Veerabhadram of ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ fame and is produc...Continue reading
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