Sai Dharam Tej’s maiden film ‘Rey’ which is being directed and produced by YVS Chowdary on his home banner ‘Bommarillu Vaaru’, will have its audio released in 1st week of December. YVS Chowdary...Continue reading
'Arrtham' stars Mahendra and Shraddha Das in the lead. Directed by Manikanth Thalaguti, its teaser was released today. Speaking at the film's teaser launch event, Shraddha Das said that 'Arrtham' ...Continue reading
National Award winner director Praveen Sattaru new mission with yesteryears angry young man Dr. Rajashekar ‘PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M’ movie released in a grand manner on yesterday. The f...Continue reading
Shraddha Das, who is well known for playing second heroine roles in most of the films in her career, has signed yet another film titled ‘Rey’. The film, which is being directed by YVS Chowdary fea...Continue reading
Shraddha Das is currently doing two Bollywood films. One is Madhur Bandarkar’s ‘Dil To Bacha Hai Ji’ and the other is ‘Lucky Kabootar’. The actress has just left to Chandigarh for a month long sh...Continue reading
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