Bollywood filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, who is a National Award-winner, has joined hands with Tamannaah Bhatia. The film, titled 'Babli Bouncer', will feature a female-centric story filled with slic...Continue reading
Theme song of Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja’s prestigious film ‘Bengal Tiger’ is being caned in and around Hyderabad. The song is being filmed as introduction song in the film on Ravi Teja along with 120 ...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi's 'Bholaa Shankar', directed by Meher Ramesh, is heading to the theatres this August. The precise date is this: August 11. The other day, Sushanth Anumolu was roped in to play a suppor...Continue reading
Milky beauty Tamannaah has no qualms in doing special numbers. She sizzled in many super hit songs in the recent times. Now, there is an interesting update regarding the special remix number in Nag...Continue reading
'F3' is all set to hit the cinemas on May 27. As per early trade reports, the audience's enthusiasm for the movie in the Overseas market is not yet evident. Anil Ravipudi's critics have in the past...Continue reading
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