Gorgeous Laxmi Rai has signed a new Telugu movie and is titled ‘Where Is The Venkata Lakshmi.’ This is film is set on the backdrop of village, being directed by a newcomer Kishore Kumar...Continue reading
Jayam Ravi-Kangana Ranaut-Lakshmi Rai starrer ‘Dhaam Dhoom’ which is a Tamil super hit film is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Rakshakudu’. MV Gopal Rao is bringing this film to the Telugu audien...Continue reading
After the release of the trailer of ‘Julie 2’, Raai Laxmi had set the temperatures soaring. The bold and erotic thriller saw Raai Laxmi in the lead role. However, the film has performed...Continue reading
It was a war of words with Chiru’s daughter Sushmitha and Catherine Tresa walked away from Chiranjeevi’s 150th film Khaidi No 150. The film has released and has been declared as a hit. Catherine Tr...Continue reading
Prabhu Deva's 60th movie has him in the role of a captive who gets caught in a web of deceit and manipulation. An evil cult is helmed by the character played by Anasuya Bharadwaj. From the looks of...Continue reading
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