Mega Prince Varun Tej’s new film under the popular production house of Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra has been titled as Tholiprema. Raashi Khanna is leading lady in the film directed by debuta...Continue reading
'BAAK', a horror-comedy directed by Sundar C, will be heading to theatres on May 3. It is backed by Asian Cinemas and Suresh Productions. To be sure, the audience are tired of horror-comedies late...Continue reading
The promotions of Venkatesh and Naga Chaitanya starrer Venky Mama is in full swing. The pre-release event of the film happened in Khammam recently. A musical night was also celebrated in Hyderabad....Continue reading
It has been almost a year and Ravi Teja’s films have yet to start shoot. Two films have been planned for him. One will be directed by director Bobby and the other by Vikram Siri. The latter will be...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda's World Famous Lover trailer is out. This one showcases different phases of love in the leading man's life. Though its talks about all this the main point of the film is not revea...Continue reading
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