Aishwaryabhimasthu starring Arya, Vishal, Santhanam, Tamannaah and Bhanu in the lead roles, has completed all formalities including censor and is set for release on October 26. It has received clea...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 is concentrating on completing the film. They want to stop all publicity activity for now. Early November there was a lot of buzz about the film. But after the recent IT raids the team ...Continue reading
Aggressive Star Gopichand’s ‘Seetimaarr’, a sports drama, stars Tamannaah Bhatia as the female lead. Directed by Mass Director Sampath Nandi, this Kabaddi-themed film has entered ...Continue reading
‘That Is Mahalakshmi’ starring Tamannaah in the lead role, is about how a young innocent lady transforms into a strong independent woman. The teaser and recently released first song hav...Continue reading
Baahubali is a movie that is being made uniquely with world class standards. Now, once again the film unit is creating a unique name for itself by doing something that has never been done before i...Continue reading
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