It is a known fact that Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working for his upcoming movie under Boyapati Srinu's direction. The movie titled 'Akhanda' has caught up with decent buzz after the relea...Continue reading
Aadi Pinishetty and Poorna (Seema Tapakay fame) starrer ‘Chelagatam’ is all set to release on September 9th. This is a Tamil film being dubbed into Telugu by producer Ravichandra under Sri Peddamm...Continue reading
'Suvarna Sundari' is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The supernatural thriller stars Jayaprada and 'Avunu' fame Poorna in lead roles. Directed by Surendra Madarao, the film also fe...Continue reading
'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun in the lead, recently started streaming on Amazon Prime. It's learned that the thriller is doing well ever since it was released on OTT. "I am receiving phone call...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh and Poorna are the leads in ‘Nuvvala Nenila’ produced by Induri Rajasekhar Reddy under Amogh Creations banner. ‘Mem Vayasuku Vacham, fame Trinath Rao Nakkina has directed the film...Continue reading
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