Pitta Kathalu is Telugu's first Netflix anthology movie, with four stories directed by popular Telugu filmmakers. Pitta Kathalu has four stories titled Ramula, Meera, Pinky, and X-Life, each direct...Continue reading
Suriya starrer Singham 3 will be releasing during December. The makers have decided to release the film on the 16th of December. This is the third sequel to Singam. The first two were Yamudu and Si...Continue reading
Its official, the gorgeous Shruti Haasan has been finalized as the female lead for Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming movie produced by Sharrath Marar under Northstar Entertainment Banner. Shr...Continue reading
'Veera Simha Reddy' is all set to be shot in the Anantapur district. Starting this Wednesday, the film is going to be shot in different landmarks of the district. It's said that the Nandamuri Balak...Continue reading
Ravi Teja and Shruti Haasan will reportedly start shooting for ‘Balupu’ in Vizag from 15th onwards. This fresh filming schedule will take place till 30th of December where a few prominent scenes w...Continue reading
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