The Telugu version of Vijay's 'Theri' is going to release as 'Policeodu'. The movie is getting ready for a grand release this week in the Telugu states. The film has been given a U certificate by ...Continue reading
Samantha is preparing for her wedding. Chennai has been finalized as the wedding location. Samantha is a Christian and wants to have a Catholic wedding. Sources close to the family say that while t...Continue reading
'The Family Man Season 2', directed by Raj and DK, has been one of the most-awaited web series in India. It will start streaming on Amazon Prime Video from February 12, in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. ...Continue reading
Sharwanand starrer 96 has finished a major schedule of the film, which was shot abroad. The makers say that all major portions of the shoot are complete. There are some scenes with Samantha and so...Continue reading
Looks like a failed marriage, which ended in divorce, has made Samantha Ruth Prabhu believe that she must stay away from marriage once and for all. She has hinted that marriage, statistically speak...Continue reading
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