The other day, the glimpse video of 'Ghaati' featured Anushka Shetty in the role of a ferocious killer. The heroine, who is also the film's 'hero', chops the head of a beastly villain, and proceeds...Continue reading
Suriya starrer Singham 3 had commenced its shoot schedule long ago. Suriya has been busy with this film. The next shoot schedule of this film will start from tomorrow in Vizag. Directed by Hari...Continue reading
Putting aside his ‘Rana’ film, Rajnikanth recently announced his new film ‘Kochadaiyaan’ which is a 3D film. The title ‘Kochadaiyaan’ refers to a king with matted hair. The title is hinting that ...Continue reading
Fresh reports suggest that ever-classy Anushka is all set to work under the direction of P Mahesh for an upcoming movie. The story is apparently about a couple- a 40-year-old lady and a 20-year-old...Continue reading
Anushka is one of the top heroines who is pretty much busy in Telugu and Tamil. According to Chennai reports Anushka has right now five films in her kitty. Apart from Karthi’s ‘Saguni’ in which s...Continue reading
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