Bigg Boss is a Telugu reality show, aired on Star Maa. Jr. NTR hosting this show. It has become one of the most watched shows of the small screen and to keep the audience hooked, the makers are int...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, who was last year seen in the Bollywood film 'Dunki', has been in a relationship with her boyfriend and badminton player, Mathias Boe. The duo will enter into a wedlock in March. Th...Continue reading
Telugu moviegoers may have to face a longer than expected wait for Gopichand’s action adventure ‘Saahasam’ to blast its way into theaters as the movie release date has been postponed once again fro...Continue reading
Rajkumar Hirani-directed Bollywood film 'Dunki', a comedy-drama set in 1995 and the present day, was released in theatres today. Going by the word on social media, the maker of classics like '3 Idi...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu, Aadi Pinishetty, Taapsee and Sundeep Kishan starrer ‘Gundello Godari’is all set to release on February 21st. However the Tamil version will release on February 22nd. This Kumar Na...Continue reading
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