Aadi-Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘Sukumarudu’ has completed its censor formality and obtained U/A certificate. The film is set for release worldwide on May 10th. This is said to be a clean family enter...Continue reading
Nara Rohit’s ongoing flick ‘Solo’ will start its fresh shooting schedule on May 16th in Hyderabad. With Nisha Agarwal as leading lady, Parasuram is directing the flick and Vamsikrishma Srinivas is...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh-Nisha Afarwal’s latest untitled film which is being directed by Bhanu Shankar and produced by Pattikonda Kumar Swamy has successfully completed 90% of its shooting part. The title of...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan’s ‘DK Bose’ is set to hit screens on this 27th. He is playing a cop in this film whose policy is eat money, drink money and smoke money. ‘DK Bose’ is a full-length comedy entertain...Continue reading
Here is the new poster of Sundeep Kishan-Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘DK Bose’ which is set for June release. Sundeep will be seen in the role of police officer in this film that has been been direct...Continue reading
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