Jr NTR on Wednesday released the teaser of the dance-based drama 'Natyam', which stars Kuchipudi dancer Sandhya Raju as the protagonist. The actress has also choreographed the film's songs, b...Continue reading
Sandhya Raju as the main lead, the movie Natyam is being made under Revanth Korukonda's direction . Touted to be a concept movie, the movie represents the greatness of dance which is 'Natyam' in T...Continue reading
'Natyam' is a dance-based feature film set to release in theatres in the Telugu States. Starring renowned Kuchipudi dancer Sandhya Raju as a debutante, the first look of 'Natyam' was today unveiled...Continue reading
'Natyam', which was released in theatres on October 22, is directed by Revanth Korukonda. Sandhya Raju, Kamal Kamaraju and others headlined the movie. The news is that the dance-based drama has be...Continue reading
Classical dancer Sandhya Raju, the actor and the producer of the recent dance-oriented movie 'Natyam' is getting much attention from all over. The movie, which was released earlier today caught th...Continue reading
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