Pawan Kalyan unveiled the audio album of Nithin and Samantha starrer A Aa. Speaking at the launch ceremony Powerstar said that his association with director Trivikram is not something that is recen...Continue reading
The countdown begins! The teaser of Trivikam’s new romantic entertainer ‘A…Aa (Anasuya Ramalingam vs Anand vihari)’ featuring Nithin and Samantha in the lead roles will be released on Wednesday,...Continue reading
Generally we see that once the film is released it gets trimmed. This happened with the recently released Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam and some more films. But the converse is happening in ...Continue reading
Noted director Trivikram, who's well known as 'Wizard of words', is going to make a movie under the banner of 'Haarika and Hassine Creations', and he titles the film as "A...Aa" , the film has a ta...Continue reading
Wizard of words Trivikram Srinivas, Cute couple Nitin and Samantha’s 100% clean family entertainer A…Aa is still running strong in USA and other overseas locations. It’s already collected $1.9 mill...Continue reading
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