Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Panjaa’ is releasing on December 9th. The film is on the backdrop of mafia in Kolkata. Sarah Jane and Anjali Lavania shared the screen with Pawan as leading ladies. Neelima Thirum...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan’s ongoing flick ‘Kaali’ (was earlier titled Shadow) being directed by Vishnuvardhan has completed the major part of shooting in Kolkata. Now the unit is moving to Pollachi where the r...Continue reading
The film starring Pawan Kalyan, Sara Jain and Anjali Lavania, being directed by Vishnuvardhan is progressing smoothly without any buzz. The first schedule of the film has been wrapped up smoothly ...Continue reading
The expectations for Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film ‘Panjaa’ are too high not just from his fans but also the general public. The reason being the stills. For the first time Yuvan Shankar Raja is c...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan’s ongoing flick which is being directed by Vishnuvardhan is now on promotion mode. Wantedly or unknowingly a speculation on the title is fetching certain mileage to the film. Well! T...Continue reading
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