After ‘Ye Maya Chesave’, Gautham Menon’s new romantic film ‘Eto Vellipoyindhi Manasu’ is now getting ready for release. The hit pair of ‘Eega’, Nani and Samantha paired up for this film too. C Ka...Continue reading
Nani, who bounced back to fame with his recent success through ‘Eega’, is most likely to do a new bilingual film (Telugu & Tamil) under the direction of Gokul, (Panjaa director Vishnuvardhan’s asso...Continue reading
The YVM team has come up with an interesting theme called ‘Audio Release Bulletin’ to promote its grand audio launch which is going to be held on September 2nd. In this line, today, a “Contest ...Continue reading
Bilingual film ‘Yeto Velli Poyindhi Manasu’ starring Nani and Samantha in Telugu version is getting ready for release during 3rd week of October. This musical love story, which is being directed b...Continue reading
The makers of ‘Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu’ have reshuffled the release date. YVM previously had an August release date, but now, as per the latest reports it’s set to hit theaters this year in Nove...Continue reading
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