S S Rajamouli's movie Baahubali 2 has been censored. The film has been given a UA certification b the Censor Board. The film is gearing up for a grand release on the 28th of April. Rajamouli is ha...Continue reading
After breaking several domestic and global box-office records, SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘Baahubali: The Conclusion’ is all set to enthral the Chinese audience. Prabhas, Rana and...Continue reading
It has surprised many that so many films from south film industry has made it to the Top 10 films from IMDB this year. What is more endearing is that three Tollywood films has entered this top 10 l...Continue reading
S S Rajamouli is in London and he is basking in the glory of the success of his film Baahubali 2. Praises are pouring in from all quarters what more can the director ask. While speaking at the Brit...Continue reading
Baahubali -The Conclusion is an outstanding film. Rajamouli deserves all the accolades for creating a wonder like Baahubali. Hats off to the creator for letting Telugu cinema grow by leaps and boun...Continue reading
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