'PSV Garuda Vega - 126.18M', starring Angry Young Man Dr. Rajsekhar, Pooja Kumar, Kishore and others, is one of the most technically superior movies being made in Telugu film industry. Directed by...Continue reading
Rajashekar is on cloud nine. His comeback film 'Garuda Vega' has hit the bulls-eye. The film has done pretty well and is a perfect comeback for him. What next? is the next question. What will Raj...Continue reading
The Dr. Rajsekhar-starring 'PSV Garuda Vega', directed by the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Praveen Sattaru, is being made without compromising on quality aspects. Ever since the makers introduce...Continue reading
'Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, will have its teaser released soon. The makers will announce the Teaser's release date in some days. Critically...Continue reading
PV Sindhu, the iconic badminton player and pride of India, has watched a special screening of Dr. Rajasekhar's 'PSV Garuda Vega'. She has immensely liked the Praveen Sattaru-directed blockbuster. ...Continue reading
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