Makers of Allari Naresh starrer ‘Brother of Bommali’ are making arrangements to release the audio on 4th of October. Ammiraju Kanumalli is producing the film under Siri Cinema banner with EVV Satya...Continue reading
Allari Naresh is playing the lead role in ‘Brother of Bommali’ which is being produced by Ammiraju Kanumalli under the banner Siri Cinema Productions with EVV Satyanarayana as presenter. The fi...Continue reading
Allari Naresh and Monal Gajjar starrer ‘Brother of Bommali’ has completed the censor formality. It received U/A certificate and has won appreciations from the censor board members. Ammiraju kanumal...Continue reading
“We were in a dilemma on whom to rope in for the role of Allari Naresh’s sister in ‘Brother of Bommali’ who has naughty and tomboy shades. Then, Allari Naresh has suggested us that Karthika wil...Continue reading
Great opportunity for Movie Buff’s Here’s a golden opportunity for all you movie buff’s, you can select the title for Allari Naresh’s new film under E V V Satyanarayana banner & produced by Si...Continue reading
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