Anushka, who has had an impressive success ratio, enjoys getting under the skin of all her characters and always gives is different looks in each film. For her upcoming film ‘Bhagamati’, the actres...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty’s Bhaagamathie is having a wonderful weekend at the box office. After taking a flying start on this Republic day, the logical thriller is collecting solid revenues in its first...Continue reading
After terrifying movie buffs with spine-chilling teaser, makers of Bhagamathie have released theatrical trailer today. Apparently, Bhaagamathie is not just another horror thriller; the film has a s...Continue reading
Great India Films is happy to announce that Bhaagamathie has entered million dollars club. Anushka has surpassed her previous high Ruramadevi and has collected a record $1 Million, a highest for a ...Continue reading
Bhaagamathie staring Anushka Shetty in the lead has got its run time. The film will be running for 142 minutes. Bhaagamathie has already been censored and has been awarded UA certificate. The film...Continue reading
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