Zee Telugu is all set to launch the new season of Bathuku Jataka Bandi with Actress Jeevita Rajasekhar hosting the show.
Hyderabad, India – Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Having gained popularity in the past, Zee Telugu’s property - Bathuku Jataka Bandi has been successful in acting as a custodian in being a common platform for estranged couples or families to sort out conflicts and pull themselves together for communion with a purpose of leading a happy life ahead.
Bathuku Jatka Bandi is socially responsive show where disturbed families are re-united with a course of dispute settlement and counseling. This platform also provides legal and psychological help if required. The empathetic actress Jeevita Rajasekhar is the host for this season’s show where she brings people together and facilitates discussion between them. Also, advising on how one can overcome small issues by talking it out rather than ignoring the problem till it becomes a major issue.
In an interview with Jeevita, she says – “Life is simple and short. In this period, we should live a happy life keeping aside negative emotions like anger, anxiety, ego, fights due to properties etc. and live together in harmony. Bathuku Jataka Bandi provides a platform in case one needs counseling , legal or psychological aid and guidance.” She also added that Bathuku Jataka Bandi’s initiative is uniting people has been great and that is the reason she has accepted to be a part of the show.
Anuradha Gudur, Business Head at Zee Telugu spoke to us about the launch of this season’s Bathuku Jataka Bandi. She mentioned that Zee Telugu has emerged as a leader in the Telugu General Entertainment Channel segment and has been maintaining a steadfast position. She added - “Zee Telugu is committed towards providing quality entertainment to the audience who have welcomed and accepted us wholeheartedly into their home for the last 10 years which has helped us grow to reach to this position. Bathuku Jataka Bandi is our attempt to give back to our people/audience an unbiased platform to resolve issues as we have great faith in family value systems and togetherness.”
In the previous season of the show, Bathuku Jataka Bandi’s platform has united more than 50 families.
Watch Bathuku Jataka Bandi from July 6th 2015 on Zee Telugu from Monday to Friday at 12 noon.