'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The news is that the film will hit the cinemas on April 1 in Telugu, Hindi, and Banjara la...Continue reading
Bhanu Chander, Jeeva, Adire Adhire Abhi and Phani as the lead roles, ‘Vastha’ is being made under Metro Creations banner. Jangala Nagababu is the director. Damiselli Ravikumar and Moham...Continue reading
‘Siva Kesav’ is Late Real star Dr Srihari’s last film. In this film Bhanuchander’s son Jayanth as hero and Sanjjanaa, Gurlin Chopra and Swetha Basu Prasad as heroine shared the screen space with t...Continue reading
Entire shooting part of ‘Ninne Chusthu’ has been completed. New artists Srikanth, Nithin and Hemalatha and senior actors Suhasini, Suman and Bhanuchander in the lead roles, ‘Ninne...Continue reading
'House Husband' is the title of an upcoming suspense thriller starring Srikar and Apoorva as the lead pair. Directed by Harikrishna Jinukala, the film's teaser was released today. Speaking on the ...Continue reading
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