From the prestigious production house Maha Lakshmi Arts owned by N Shankar, here comes the new film is titled 2 Countries. The laughter riot starring Sunil is being remade from Malayalam hit of the...Continue reading
Ranga is the leader for the loafers in Warangal centre. Ranga is a loafer who falls in love with a girl named Anitha and from then onwards often dreams about her. Who is this Anitha and what is h...Continue reading
Sunil was offered the role of Chiranjeevi’s sidekick in the latter 150th film. But Sunil could not be a part of it due to date issues. Sunil was heartbroken he says. He later approached the makers ...Continue reading
'Mathu Vadalara 2' is directed by Ritesh Rana, whose first two films were 'Mathu Vadalara' (2019) and 'Happy Birthday'. The latter, released in theatres in 2022, was a disaster. Chaotic, overcooked...Continue reading
Mega Supergood Films Pvt Ltd., which delivered a super hit movie ‘Andala Ramudu’ with Sunil as hero is now producing ‘Mr Pellikoduku’ once again with him as hero. The film is in final leg of prepa...Continue reading
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