'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film is all set to stream on 20 OTT platforms (includi...Continue reading
Ahead of the release of 'Atharva' on December 1, the makers on Tuesday unveiled a 3-minute-long single-shot Sneak Peek wherein we see the diligent members of a professional clues team securing fore...Continue reading
‘Rushi’ starring Aravind Krishna and Supriya Sailaja as lead pair is the story on medicos’ backdrop. Directed by Raj Madhiraju, ‘Rushi’ is coming from the popular banner ‘Prasad Productions’ which...Continue reading
Telugu audience always loves to watch movies that have new concepts. Hence our filmmakers also thrive to come up with new concepts and good stories. One such film which is coming up to captur...Continue reading
The refreshing youthful entertainer ‘Mana Kurralle’ (The Latest Generation) is preparing to entertain the audience and it is releasing on 1st January, 2015. After making ‘Gudumba Shankar’, a film w...Continue reading
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