Renowned singer, S.P.Balasubramanyam, turns the main protagonist in the latest Telugu film directed by Tanikella Bharani. At his age, SPB now plays the lead, in the role of a retired school tea...Continue reading
Chandrakanth Dutta played main lead in the Telugu feature film titled ‘Prema Entha Madhuram Priyuralu Antha Katinam’ aka ‘PREMPAK’. In this happy occasion Chandrakanth Dutta...Continue reading
Visual wonder ‘Sarabha’ team is flying to Italy to shoot a duet song. Senior actress Jaya Prada and Napoleon in the key roles and Akash Sahdev and Mishti Chakraborty as hero and heroine...Continue reading
Prominent actor, writer and director Tanikella Bharani was grandly felicitated by Kharagpur IIT Students. The felicitation ceremony was held on March 28 at Kalidas Auditorium in Kharagpur in associ...Continue reading
'Daksha', which is produced by Thallada Srinivas, is directed by Vivekananda Vikranth. Produced by Sri Annapurna Creations, the film's title logo is out. Today, its title logo was unveiled at the ...Continue reading
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