'Bomma Blockbuster', starring Nandu and Rashmi, awaits a theatrical release. Its teaser was released a few weeks ago. The news is that its third song, titled 'Nadikudi Railanti Sodhara', is out. Th...Continue reading
Nandu and Anaika Soti as hero and heroine respectively, D Venkatesh has produced a film title ‘365 Days’ under sensational director Ram Gopal Varma’s direction on DV Creations banner. T...Continue reading
Tamil super hit film ‘Metro’ is being dubbed in Telugu. R4 Entertainments head Ragini Talluri is bringing the film to Telugu audience. Suresh Kondeti, who brought super hit films like &...Continue reading
Another different concept film ‘Close Friends’ is being made on Maruthi Team Works Productions banner, which is achieving huge success with small budget different concept films, and on ...Continue reading
Nandu, Noel and Punarnavi as the lead cast, ‘Enduko Emo’ is being made under Maheswara Creations banner. Koti Vaddineni is the director. Malathi Vaddineni is producing the film. Recentl...Continue reading
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